I recently discovered a remarkable set of new tools for having a website and more, and I think it's fantastic.
"I'm moving much of my business on to this new website page maker and funnel builder, and onto the other wondrous services they provide, from email marketing, to membership areas, to videos, webinars and more!
I have tried other page builders, but nothing can compare with the simplicity and functionality of GroovePages™. Managed to build an entire 7 page website with tracking and integrations within 3 days (and I'm still a complete noobie at web design).
Recently tried to load my WordPress website and it was a disaster... It took good 20 seconds before it loads... But the one built on Gpages loaded almost instantly. I am not only impressed by the website builder. GrooveSell™'s functionality is way more than I expected in the best possible sense.
The FB group community is amazing as well. It is built by marketers for marketers... All that we need and more.
I could not thank groovefunnels enough for the opportunity of learning how to design sales page and make a profit out of it. I have always had the desire of designing pages and it wouldn't have come to reality if it wasn't for the groovepages lite. Just dropping by to say a huge THANK YOU!
Mike Filsaime, Matijs Naus, Congratulations on multi-device (phone-tablet-computer) formatting capabilities done right! I've been able to do in GroovePages in minutes what I could not manage anywhere else for days or without hiring a developer/designer to write specific CSS code for each block and device format. Kudos! You guys are building something really special!
Just got to know about it today and I think I'm already hooked. I've been at it all day! Does that makes me Grooveaholic?
Superb this is just one of the big moments and reasons linvested my money and more importantly my time in Mike and the great team at GrooveFunnels, can't wait for this webinar... a massive thank you to Mike, Mike and the team
Got my 4th sale over the weekend and starting to build my list up from my landing page. Anyone else built their out yet?
I Love GrooveFunnels because it helped me to find out what is Affiliate marketing and get me confidence in building online business.
Hey, Just thought I share an interesting story. One of my customers asked me to create a new website for them. He is an arborist and he wanted a new site focusing on stump grinding. I made him sign up via my affiliate link and I created a pretty simple website with 11 sub-pages, each for every (small) city he served. Search volume was max 20 searches/month, most of them showed 0 searches. Right out the gate the site ranked #4 for 3 cities and page one for 6. He has been a good client of mine so I only charged him $1000 for the site. It took him 6 days to land his first customer for a $350 job in a city with O searches. An easy job for me thanks to Groove and a very happy customer. He also received a compliment for his simple and clear website from that customer. If a keyword tool says there isn't any search volume for a keyword doesn't mean there isn't anyone searching for it and it also doesn't mean there isn't any value in that search term. Happy building folks!
My mind is blown - 1 month ago I started promoting GrooveFunnels as an affiliate... I have made over $30,000 in expected commission in just 1 month. As a newbie affiliate marketer, I am so thankful for this opportunity to promote such a game-changing all-in-one solution that is going to change the landscape of the funnel industry! Thank you to Groove Digital and their entire leadership team for all you do! This is life-changing! Wishing everyone the best on their Groove affiliate venture! Happy Saturday
Before joining the GrooveFunnels™ affiliate program I was heavily struggling selling my own software and building a profitable online business. Just after promoting GrooveFunnels™ for 6 weeks I made more than $10,000 in affiliate commissions.
I was hesitant to upgrade because I was still using and promoting a competing software suite but just after doing some research, I really liked how much Mike Filsaime and the team care about the technology AND their affiliates. The pages I’ve build with GroovePages™ load so much faster than anything else I’ve used in the past and getting 40% commissions and 10% Tier 2 commissions automatically is something you will not find in any other affiliate program these days anymore.
If you are still on the fence, I highly recommend to do some more research and learn a bit about the difference between Bootstrap and the new Java-Script framework VUE.JS that’s used by GrooveFunnels™ and you’ll see that using AND promoting GrooveFunnels™ is really a no-brainer for everyone.
If you are thinking of promoting GrooveFunnels™ then let me provide some context. In 2019 I came across a product called GroovePages™, this in itself didn’t catch my eye, the name attached to it did.. Mike Filsaime. I have been in digital marketing since 2002 and have known some of the biggest players in this field and have known for a long time that Mike is truly one of them. I thought to myself that if he is behind this then it’s going to be a success!
Once I had a look at the product I could see straight away what his team was trying to do to eliminate the need for endless software that need to be pieced together with a degree in coding to be able to do it. Groove was different, they were about to re-invent what is needed in digital marketing to provide EVERYTHING under one roof which will integrate easily with each other without any need for coding or ‘join together’ software like Zapier.
I decided to jump on board as an affiliate during their launch and set about placing their funnel & website builder “GroovePages™” immediately on Google with my unique Google ranking system and within a week I was already making more money than I had with any other affiliate launch.
I was even the first ever guest trainer with “GrooveDigital™ Presents” (Free training provided at no extra cost to the community every Friday) There really is no question of if you ‘should’ promote GrooveFunnels™, it’s really a case of ‘when’. If you do it now then you can really make a difference (and a lot of money) or you can choose later when it’s way more of a red ocean. I wish to offer a personal thank you to Mike Filsaime, Joe Jablonski, Donna Fox & the team for all your help and support. You guys truly ROCK!
I love it because it's honestly easy to use and the community within the group are helpful no matter how silly the question may be. And everyone who works for the company are always so giving and helpful too. This is my first funnel builder and I don't see myself going anywhere else.
You know what totally cracks me up because it's soo00000 unexpected... still? Every time I click to refresh my live page I wait and wait wondering if I actually clicked or not. Why? Because the page refreshes soooo dang lightning FAST, I must blink so I don't even see it happen and have to click again just to be sure! It's the BESTEST EVER!! Thank you for this amazing TOOL and super fun biz TOY Mike Filsaime, Matt Serralta, John J. Cornetta, Mattjis Naus, Joe Jablonski, Anroup(?) and all the programmers and support team like Gladys!!! Love you all sooooo incredibly mucho!!! I am also so incredi- bly grateful for the people you hired to train and help us like your incredible trainers Donna Fox, Jhon Garcia, Tom Beal and my beautiful always there for us question "an- swerer", the ever patient and caring David Lemon!!!
Mike Filsaime Groovepages is the best investment on the Planet!! A lighting the way of hope during this coronavirus year. Congrats to you and the team.
Thank you Mr. Filsaime!!! Excellent time to join and appreciate your founding of an awesome company. And congrats to everyone on here!!!
Mike Filsaime If it makes you feel better I am 28 and definitely got your I love Lucy joke lol!!! LOVED IT! And I just have to say that you and the entire Groovedigital team and community are hands down the absolute best!!I have been in online marketing for years and NEVER really got anywhere with it! I used click funnels, drop funnels, hell I was even going to try making funnel cakes (like the ones at the carnival) just to see if that would work and then Wham! Bam! Thank you Ma'am! Groove Digital pops into my life!! This is the FIRST time that I have been able to truly understand a software and implement what I've learned in a meaningful manner. Groove is making a huge paradigm shift in the internet marketing world and I am so grateful to be apart of it. I look forward to interacting with everyone and can't wait to see what we all accomplish!! This is going to be one of those things that in 20 years your either looking down from the top with a smile because you stayed in it the entire time even during hiccups OR your looking up from the bottom angry because you did not trust in yourself enough to make the jump into this! Ill see you all at the top baby!!!
54 minutes in to yesterday's webinar update and I know I made the right choice... I love the authenticity of the company and that they are a technology company and not a marketing company!!!! Thank you Groove Digital Official - GrooveFunnels, GroovePages, GrooveSell, GrooveKart you are truly great. You have a lifetime raving fan here!!!
Guys, I freaking LOVE this platform... I'll be honest. A main reason why it took me so long to get started online was because of ALL the workings of putting everything together and I'm no techy at all. I didn't even know the difference between a domain and hosting and where to get it. GROOVE MAKES IT SO EASY FOR ME!!!! I can actually build a website on my own!
OMG Thanks @David Lemon I have just built a new page website following your video. Ive been creating a few templates, but your video answered some of my questions and was super helpful. I'm getting addicted to creating web pages.
I have been working as a web designer for years and for my clients I create WordPress websites using the Divi theme. At the end of August 2020, I got into Groove because I believed in it. It was a bit of a bumpy ride the first year and at times I was very frustrated. But I kept working and discovering in it and remained confident in the potential of the platform. Last year I created a few websites for a client with Groove and currently I'm rebuilding my own business website in Groove. And I love it! Making the website perfectly responsive works so easily, WordPress really can't compete with that. You can make a Groove website just perfect on any device. Thank you Groove! I'm looking forward to what's to come! This year I hope to help many more clients with a beautiful Groove website.
I've been creating online courses since 2011. I just launched two online courses with Groove, and I have to say, it's been the best experience I've had with any software. It's a huge advantage to have everything integrated instead of duct-taping separate applications together. I delivered a few automated webinars with Groove and they've gone well too. I believe that as Groove fulfills its promised products, and each matures to include a robust knowledge base, it will be hard to beat. I especially love GrooveMail. I've used many different ESPs over the years I've had my business, and yes, I learned to make each work. But GrooveMail is intuitive and a joy to use. Keep up the good work Groove People! You created a fan here.
Hey Groovers, I just upgraded! I'm all in platinum status! I was ready for a career change, I knew I wanted to start a blog and learn more about graphic design... then I stumbled funnels and digital marketing, & I dove right in. I've learned a lot, spent a lot, waisted time on freebies, I kinda hit digital overload. I loved it though & knew it would come together at the right time. Sure enough, you put your passion forth, the universe will have your back. Your stars will align again, opportunity will come barreling through the front door! Thank you Groovers!
Last March I lost my Job of 10 years Due to The "19". I soon after Jumped in as Groove Member.
I had been doing dropshipping and affiliate marketing through Clickbank. Made some money but nothing crazy. About a month into Groove and connecting with a lot of awesome people, I made my first High Ticket commission! I remember the day, I was playing with my kids in the floor and my phone pinged with an email notification.
I remember showing my wife and how shocked she was lol. Hell, I was too! But it was that day that I really became interested in High Ticket Affiliate Marketing. Over the summer I invested in two more mentorship programs that specialized in HTAM and Client Acquisition. 25 days into one of the Programs I landed my first client of my own program for a nice 4 figure pay day PIF.
Shocked again, I've went on to help quite a few people in my journey as well as connect with lots of Industry Leaders across the board. I'm addicted to growth and meeting awesome people that are like minded. I say all this to bring a message for everyone embarking on an online Journey, whatever it may be.
"Don't give up when it gets hard, your breakthrough is just around the corner" Many times I wanted to throw in the towel and say F#$* it, but my WHY has kept me going. They are pictured below. It hasn't been easy by any means, but with the right training, mentorship and plan to follow it gets better and better. The wife and I haven't had day jobs for 9 months now.
I want to give a big shout out to GrooveDigital Official —GrooveFunnels, GroovePages, GrooveSell, GrooveKart , Mike Filsaime and the rest of the team for opening a Door that I didn't know was there. I've met some incredible people all because of an opportunity I jumped at.
If you read this far, thank you! Keep pushing for what you want. I hope you all have a great day and I'll catch yall on the Flipside.
I had a big “a-ha” moment today when I came to realize that I don’t feel paralyzed anymore by creating the wrong thing or making the wrong offer. Groove literally removes all of the big scary costly (time, money & resource-related) risks
Felicia Pagesh
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